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Lexi Zhu

I was born and grew up in Nanjing, a provincial capital city in east China. I have never thought of becoming an artist until I move to Canada in my early 30’s. A paint night event at a local restaurant in Edmonton magically opened this door in my life. Since then, I have taken different courses from the internet: sketch, acrylic and watercolor. Eventually I settled at Chinese painting, the place where my heart belongs.

Flowers, plants and animals are my favourite themes. I collect materials from daily life like my cat, birds and ducks in the pond, trees or plants from a neighborhood park. My interest lies in perusing a soft, subtle and tranquil mood which my ancestors have been creating for thousands of years. Living half a world away following their path fills me with a feeling of wistful affection and nostalgia.

I’m still learning and practising. The journey is long but the views on the road are magnificent.

Edmonton Art Club Artwork
Artists' Pick
"Summer Lotus"
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