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Ada Wong

Ada was born in Hong Kong and spent her first fourteen years of life there. Her parents sent her to art class because her love of drawing was very evident. There, she learned to draw and paint with various media. Ada’s subject matter has ranged from still life to portraits to landscapes.
Since those early lessons, she has undertaken an art journey primarily on her own. Her watercolour techniques are self-taught but supplemented by instruction from various artists across Canada through workshops and seminars. She has also enrolled in University of Alberta Extension Fine Art Certificate program to broaden her exposure to a greater variety of artists and artistic styles and techniques.
In recent years, as her spiritual journey progressed, she realized that her ability to express the creativity within her was indeed a gift from God. Nowadays, she uses her brushes to capture the beauty around her as well as to teach others to see and portray this beauty. Ada’s work possesses a spiritual depth with a message of hope and peace, the ingredients for healing.
Ada is member of the Edmonton Art Club and has been exhibiting her work with the club since 2006. She had her first solo exhibit in March, 2008.

Edmonton Art Club Artwork
Artists' Pick
"Freely Given, Tangle Creek Falls
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